Костарев Виктор Владимирович

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Монографии и публикации:

  1. В.Костарев. «Высоковязкие демпферы ВД для повышения сейсмостойкости и вибрационной стойкости оборудования и трубопроводов». «Межведомственная конференция «SSNE», Нальчик, 01-07.09.1986.
  2. В. Костарев, Патент РФ №1689693 «Вязкоупругий демпфер». Приоритет с 17.11.1987 года (Авторское свидетельство СССР № 1612151, класс F16, F/06, 1987). Зарегистрирован и действует с 10.01.1994 г.
  3. J. Schwahn, K.Delinich, Verification of the reduction of structural vibration by means of viscous dampers, Seismic Engineering-1988-PVP.
  4. Ochi, A. Kashiwazaki, V. Kostarev. Application of HVD on piping system and Isolation Floor System. Proc. of 9th EAEE, Vol. 3, 1990, Moscow, Russia.
  5. V.Kostarev, D.J.Pavlov. Application of CKTI Damper for Protecting Piping Systems, Equipment and Structures Against Dynamic and Seismic Response. SMIRT 11 Transactions, Vol. K, Tokyo, Japan, 1991, p.p. 505-510.
  6. CKTI Visco-Elastic Dampers for Seismic and Vibration Isolation of Piping. «Transactions of CKTI», Vol. 272, 1992, p.p. 81-87.
  7. Kostarev, A. Berkovsky, O. Kireev, P. Vasiliev, 1993, “Application of Mathematical Model of High Viscoelastic Damper in Dynamic Analysis of NPP Piping and Equipment”, SMIRT-12.
  8. V. Kostarev, A.M. Berkovski, O.B. Kireev, P.S. Vasiliev. Application of Mathematical Model for High Viscous Damper to Dynamic Analysis of NPP Piping. Working Material. SMIRT Post Conference Seminar, IAEA, Vienna, 1993.
  9. Kostarev, A. Berkovski, et. al. Application of mathematical model for high viscous damper to dynamic analysis of NPP piping. Proc. of 10th ECEE, 1994, Vienna, Austria.
  10. Masopust R., Viscous dampers in applications for pipelines and other components in Czechoslovak nuclear power plants. ASME PVP, Prague, 1994.
  11. Reinsch,H.; Barutzki, F.: Dämpfung von Schwin-gungen in Rohrleitungssystemen. Handbuch „Rohrleitungstechnik“, 6. Ausgabe, 1994, S. 142-147, Vulkan-erlag Essen.
  12. Berkovski, V. Kostarev, et. al. Seismic Analysis of VVER NPP primary coolant loop with different aseismic devices. Transactions of SMIRT 13, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1995.
  13. Berkovski, et. al. Seismic analysis of the safety related piping and PCLS of the WWER-440 NPP. Transactions of the 14th SMIRT, Lyon, France, August 1997.
  14. Костарев В.В. и др. Повышение динамической надежности и продление службы трубопроводов при использовании технологии высоковязкого демпфера, «Тяжелое машиностроение» №8, август 2000.
  15. J.Stevenson, A.Berkovski, O.Kireev, V.Kostarev. (2000). Analysis of non-classically dampened structures, methodology and practical results. Transactions of PVP ASME Conference, Seattle.
  16. Fomin V., Kostarev V., Reinsch K-H. Elimination of Chernobil NPP Unit 3 Power Output Limitation Associated with High Main Steam Piping Flow Induced Vibration. Transactions of the 16th SMIRT, Washington DC, August 2001.
  17. Малов М.Ю., Берковский А.М. и др., Верификация программных комплексов для анализа прочности и сейсмостойкости технологических трубопроводов АЭС, Труды ЦКТИ, 2002, вып.282, с.236-240.
  18. Frank P. Barutzki. (September 2002). Extending the Service Life of Piping Systems through the Application of Viscous Fluid Dampers. ENERGY-TECH.
  19. Kostarev V., Petrenko A., Vasilyev P., A New Method for Essential Reduction of Seismic and External Loads on NPP’s Structures, Systems and Components, Transactions of the 17th SMiRT, Prague, 2003.
  20. Petr Zeman. (2003). Reduction of Operational Vibration of Turbine Steam Inlet Piping at Temelin NPP. SMiRT 17, August 17-22.
  21. Frank Barutzki. (2003). Improving the Reliability and Life Expectancy of Piping Systems through the use of Viscous Dampers. Plim + Plex, New Orleans, USA.
  22. Peter Vasilyev, Leonid Fromzel. (2003). Analytical Study of Piping Flow-Induced Vibration. Ex-ample of Implementation. SMIRT 17, Prague, Czech Republic, August 17-22, Paper N J280, accessed from, https://www.cvs.spb.su/ru/?option=com_content&view=article&id=86.
  23. Vasilyev. Engineering approach for medium modeling in piping dynamic analysis. 18th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 18) Beijing, China, August 7-12, 2005.
  24. Victor V. Kostarev, Andrei V. Petrenko. Application of high viscous dampers for reduction of structure’s seismic response, Proceedings of ESDA, 8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis July 4-7, 2006, Torino, Italy.
  25. Frank Barutzki, Daniel van Wickeren. (2006). Reduction of Piping Vibrations by Means of Viscoelastic Fluid Dampers. TINCE-2006, September 05-09.
  26. Berkovsky. dPIPE 5 Software, Verification Report, VR01-07, CKTI-Vibroseism, 2007.
  27. Victor Kostarev, Aimo Tuomas, Karl-Heinz Reinsch. (2007). Resolving of Steam and Feed-Water Piping Vibration Matter at Loviisa NPP, Transactions of SMiRT-19th Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  28. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. (2007-2024). Section III. Subsection NF Supports. Dampers. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY.
  29. Stuardi, et.al. (2008) Comparative seismic performance of a base control
    system based on measured and calculated responses. Proceedings of 14WCEE, Beijing, China, 2008.
  30. Alexey Berkovskiy, Peter Vasilyev, Oleg Kireev. (2009). Different Approaches for the Modelling of High Viscous Dampers in Piping Dynamic Analysis. Acceptable Limits for Simplifications. SMiRT-20, Espoo Finland. Division V, Paper-1833.
  31. Frank Barutzki. (2009). Reduzierung von Rohrleitungsschwingungen mittels Schwingungsdämpfern. FDBR-Fachtagung Rohrleitungstechnik, 24-25 March, Magdeburg, Germany.
  32. Irina Evzikova, Dmitriy Pavlov, Victor Kostarev, Igor Shedogub. (2011). Resolving of Vibration Matter on Feed-Water Piping of Kola NPP. Transactions of the SMiRT-21 Conference, New-Delhi, India.
  33. Vasilyev P., (2013). Methods for calculation of the reactor building with seismic isolation system under dynamic loads, Transactions, SMiRT-22, San Francisco, USA.
  34. Frank Barutzki. (2014). Dämpfung von Rohrleitungsschwingungen; Handbuch Rohrleitungsbau, Band II: Berechnung; Vulkan Verlag.
  35. Siepe D., Nawrotzki P. (2015) Horizontal and vertical isolation of seismic and aircraft impact Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures, 9-11 September 2015, San Diego, USA.
  36. Victor V. Kostarev, Alexei Berkovsky, Alexander V. Sudakov. (2016). ASME Global Application. Some Aspects of Russian Regulation and Codes in Nuclear Power. 3rd ed. Chapter 66, Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. ASME Press, New York. 30.
  37. Kostarev, I. Tamura at all. (2016). Shaking Table Test of a Piping System with Viscoelastic Dampers Subjected to Severe Earthquake Motions, ASME PVP2016-64004, Vancouver, Canada, 2016.
  38. Tamura, V. Kostarev, et.al. (2016). Dynamic Analysis of NPP Piping System and Components with Viscoelastic Dampers Subjected to Severe Earthquake Motions. PVP 2016-64029, ASME PVP Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
  39. «ЦКТИ-Вибросейсм» (ЦВС), Санкт-Петербург. Вязкоупругие демпферы Серии ВД. ТУ 4192-001-20503039-01. Издания с1991 по 2022 гг. CKTI-VIBROSEISM Co. Ltd. Viscoelastic Dampers VD Series. SPECIFICATIONS TU 4192-001-20503039-01, 2018.
  40. Nawrotzki P. et al. (2019) 3-D Base control systems for the seismic protection of structures. Proceedings of the 16WCSI World Conference on Seismic Isolation, 1-6 July 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  41. Ghiocel, D.M. (2019) Probabilistic Seismic SSI Analysis Sensitivity Studies for Base-Isolated Nuclear Structures Subjected to Coherent and Incoherent Motions, the SMiRT25 Conference Proceedings, Division III, Charlotte, NC, August 4-9
  42. Sollogoub P. Editor in Chief (2020), Seismic Isolation Systems for Nuclear Installations. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Technical Report 1905, Vienna, Austria.
  43. Peter Nawrotzki, Victor Kostarev, Daniel Siepe, Frank Barutzki, Victor Salcedo. (2022). 3D seismic isolation systems for the nuclear industry layout, design & qualification // Transactions, SMiRT-26 Berlin/Potsdam, Germany, July 10-15, 2022 Division V.
  44. Dan M. Ghiocel, Victor Kostarev, Alex Kultsep, Peter Nawrotzki. (2022). A study on seismic SSI analysis of a base-isolated storage structure founded on firm soil // Abstract: SMiRT 26 10 – 15 July 2022 in Berlin/Potsdam, Germany Special Session: Seismic Isolation.
  45. Peter Nawrotzki, et.al. (2022) 3D seismic isolation systems for the nuclear industry layout, design & qualification, Transactions, SMiRT-26 Berlin/Potsdam, Germany, July 10-15, 2022 Division V.
  46. Alexander Kultsep, et al. (2022) Numerical simulation of non-linear effects in seismic isolation systems. LRB, TPB and BCS BI systems comparative study. Transactions, SMiRT 26, 10 – 15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany Special Session: Seismic Isolation.
  47. Dan M. Ghiocel, et. al. (2022) A study on seismic SSI analysis of a base-isolated storage structure founded on firm soil. Transactions, SMiRT 26, 10–15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany Special Session: Seismic Isolation.
  48. Belyaev V. et.al. (2023) Modern methods of seismic protection of structures considering the spatial nature of seismic impact. Journal for Natural and Man-made Hazards. Safety of Structures. No. 4 (65), ISSN 2221-5638, Moscow.
  49. Victor Kostarev, Alexander Kultsep, Petr Vasilyev. (2024). Analysis, Testing and Application of the 3D BCS Base Control Isolation System with 3D Viscodampers. Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures. Volume I. A Springer Book Series. Springer, 2024.


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